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Accounting Seed Releases FS 3.5 and ERP 3.3.1

Accounting Seed has been very busy expanding its world class accounting and ERP solutions available on the platform.  Our latest releases of Financial Suite 3.5 and Enterprise Resource Planning 3.3.1 is packed with a variety of updates that offer you even greater flexibility and efficiency when using our application.

The following is an overview of the new features and enhancements included in these releases:

  • Turnkey Financial Statements – Now, a pre-configured profit and loss, balance sheet, and trial balance balance report with drill down to source are part of the core application.
  • Inventory History Tracking– Inventory balances can now be reported on a historical basis to reconcile with the general ledger and at any point in time.
  • Recurring Account Payable– Any repetitive invoices to vendors are able to be managed through the recurring accounts payable.
  • Revenue Recognition– Easily create revenue recognition entries for deferred revenue, expenses and fixed assets.
  • Full Print Remittance– A full PDF print remittance for cash disbursements featuring  more than eight related accounts payable entries is built into the application.
  • Auto-Populate Addresses on Both Sales and Purchase Orders–  This functionality offers the ability to automatically populate address, billing and shipping contact information on new sales and purchase order records.
  • Internationalization- Accounting Seed’s date and currency fields are now compliant with the international standards for every country supported by Salesforce.
  • Unpost Voided Cash Disbursements– Any voided cash disbursements can now be easily unposted or deleted.

Contact us today, to get an upgrade or to learn more about how Accounting Seed can help manage and capture financial data with ease for customers.

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